Bouquet mixed roses
Colorful bouquet of mixed roses in many different colours. You are always in the right place with this bouquet
Order roses quickly and easily and have them delivered ✓ Delivery all week, and on the same day ✓ 7-day freshness guarantee
Colorful bouquet of mixed roses in many different colours. You are always in the right place with this bouquet
Beautiful bouquet of colorful orange roses mixed with various green materials.
Bouquet of pink roses and leaf material. Sweet bouquet and always nice to surprise someone with.
Romantic bouquet of red and pink roses. Surprise your loved one with this loving bouquet.
Bouquet of red and white roses. Beautiful bouquet tied with beautiful roses.
Beautiful round tied bouquet with beautiful red roses and leaf material. Super fun to surprise your loved one!
Beautiful round tied bouquet with beautiful red roses and leaf material. Super fun to surprise your loved one!
Colorful rose bouquet tied with the most beautiful roses
Beautiful bouquet of only white roses mixed with various green materials. Nice to give and to receive.
Bouquet of three colors of roses, red, pink and white mixed with various types of green.
Roses have been extremely popular for years. A bunch of roses as a gift for your loved one or just for yourself. At deBloemist you can easily order the most beautiful roses and have them delivered. Ideal! Read more about our roses below or view our collection. You can order roses at!
If you want to surprise someone with a beautiful bouquet, you will probably consider giving a bunch of roses. But why a bunch of roses? For years, the rose has stood for love, marriage and friendship. Simply put, the rose is a symbol of life, love and beauty and therefore an excellent gift. Have a bouquet of roses delivered to your partner and they will feel beautiful and incredibly special. That is why the rose is also known as the ultimate Valentine’s gift. In addition to a bunch of roses for your loved one, it is also a perfect gift for a family member or close friend.
When you know that you want to give a bunch of roses as a gift, the next choice comes up. Roses come in many different colors and types. Would you like to order the classic red roses? Red roses are often given to a loved one on a birthday or holiday. Or do you choose to order fresh white roses? Making a choice is of course not mandatory. In our range we have also included various mixed bunches of roses in different colours. This way you can put together your bouquet of roses almost entirely yourself. Do you only want to give a few or a certain number of roses as a gift? That is also possible. At you can also order loose roses in different lengths.
Found a beautiful bunch of roses? Simply place your order in just a few steps:
Select your bouquet of roses
Optionally add a gift or a personal message
Give us the address where we can deliver the beautiful roses
Enter your details and pay immediately or afterwards
If the recipient does not live nearby, it is extra nice that we at deliver the roses throughout the Netherlands! This way everyone can enjoy these beautiful roses. Are you abroad and do you want to deliver in the Netherlands? That is also possible. More than just sending roses? You can also contact us for other gifts. Feel free to take a look at our balloons and fruit baskets or have another type of flowers delivered.
Are you going to order roses? Then we understand that you want the roses at home as soon as possible. Do you order your roses before 3 p.m.? Then the roses will be delivered the same. Prefer a different delivery date? Then choose a day that suits you and we will deliver the roses on the agreed date. Do you have any questions or would you like advice about which roses you can best order? Feel free to contact for advice without obligation.